plastic industries


Al-Jabaly Industrial Est.
Established in Jordan in 1989, Al-Jabaly Industrial Est is a leading manufacturer in the plastic and polystyrene packaging industry, primarily focusing on agricultural products. Renowned for delivering high-quality products from the cultivation stage to the final packaging, the corporation leverages the latest industrial technologies and collaborates with global experts, earning a distinguished position in both local and international markets.
With a commitment to meeting the diverse needs of various sectors, the corporation offers products in various shapes and sizes that comply with Jordanian and international standards and specifications. Al Jabali looks forward to maintaining the quality of its products through comprehensive quality control measures and conducts ongoing research to develop products that meet the demands of the global market.

Download our product catalogs.
Are you interested in learning more about our products? Our catalogs are available here to download or view
Pioneering and innovation in agricultural solutions.
In an era of increasing environmental and economic challenges, Al-Jabaly Industrial Est stands out as an example of innovation and sustainability by offering a wide range of products that serve both the agricultural and industrial sectors.
Here is a comprehensive overview of our diverse products and how they contribute to enhancing production efficiency and sustainability.
Agriculture Plastic & Products
Polystyrene and Products
Plastic Crates
Polyethylene Agricultural Pipes and Fittings
Partners in success