Polystyrene and Products

Unmatched lightweight and insulation

Our polystyrene combine high performance and efficiency .

The polystyrene department was the first production department established in 1989 at Al-Jabaly Industrial Est., it is one of the most leading production in the world in manufacturing various polystyrene applications that serve agricultural, industrial and construction sectors, it’s used in the technical formation work, we imported the best multi-purpose production and forming machines from the best international manufacturers to meet all market needs of polystyrene manufactured in various fields.

Al-Jabaly Industrial Est

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Our products


Unmatched lightweight and insulation – Our polystyrene products combine high performance and cost efficiency to meet all your needs.

High experience in both local and international markets

What sets us apart

Automation of primary and secondary production processes such as raw material handling systems, mold assembly, production smoothing through robotics, and temperature, pressure, and supply control systems.
Utilizing the latest manufacturing equipment in the Middle East and worldwide, sourced from top European companies specializing in polystyrene manufacturing.
The presence of a quality control department that monitors all stages of manufacturing.
The presence of a highly experienced and skilled workforce.
High production capacity and meeting market demand for polystyrene material manufactured across various sectors and industries with its diversity.
We provide a fleet of transportation to deliver products to customers on time.
Meeting and covering most of the market needs for manufactured polystyrene material.
Having a department dedicated to manufacturing polystyrene molds for various applications to meet the growing needs of customers.
Availability of all polystyrene applications needed by the agricultural sector.
Variety of types, sizes, and shapes of boxes.
Meeting all requirements on the ground to satisfy customers and exceed their expectations.